Antiques Roadshow 2024 Schedule

Antiques Roadshow is a popular television program that showcases the value and history of various antiques. The show features experts who appraise items brought in by members of the public.

The Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule has not yet been announced. However, the show typically airs on PBS in the summer months. In 2023, the show aired from June 5th to September 23rd.

Once the 2024 schedule is announced, it will be posted on the Antiques Roadshow website.

Antiques Roadshow 2024 Schedule

The Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule has not yet been announced. However, the show typically airs on PBS in the summer months. In 2023, the show aired from June 5th to September 23rd.

  • Typically airs in summer months
  • 2023 season aired June 5th to September 23rd
  • 2024 schedule not yet announced
  • Check Antiques Roadshow website for updates
  • Features experts appraising antiques
  • Popular television program
  • Showcases value and history of antiques
  • Members of the public bring in items
  • Informative and entertaining
  • Millions of viewers each season

Once the 2024 schedule is announced, it will be posted on the Antiques Roadshow website.

Typically airs in summer months

The Antiques Roadshow typically airs in the summer months because this is when people are most likely to be traveling and bringing their antiques with them. The show’s producers want to make it easy for people to get their antiques appraised, so they schedule the show’s tapings during the time of year when people are most likely to be on vacation.

In addition, the summer months are typically when people have more free time to watch television. The Antiques Roadshow is a popular show, and the producers want to make sure that as many people as possible can watch it. By airing the show in the summer, they can reach a larger audience.

Finally, the summer months are typically when the weather is best. This makes it easier for the Antiques Roadshow crew to travel to different locations and set up their appraisal events.

The Antiques Roadshow has been airing in the summer months for over 20 years. The show’s producers have found that this is the best time of year to reach their target audience and produce a successful show.

2023 season aired June 5th to September 23rd

The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow aired from June 5th to September 23rd. This is the typical airing schedule for the show, which has been airing in the summer months for over 20 years.

  • Start date: June 5th

    The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow began airing on June 5th. This is a typical start date for the show, which usually begins airing in early June.

  • End date: September 23rd

    The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow ended airing on September 23rd. This is a typical end date for the show, which usually ends airing in late September.

  • Number of episodes: 26

    The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow consisted of 26 episodes. This is the typical number of episodes for the show, which usually produces 26 episodes per season.

  • Locations: 14 cities

    The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow visited 14 cities across the United States. This is a typical number of cities for the show, which usually visits 12-15 cities per season.

The 2023 season of Antiques Roadshow was a success, with millions of viewers tuning in each week. The show’s producers are currently working on the 2024 season, which is expected to air in the summer of 2024.

2024 schedule not yet announced

The 2024 schedule for Antiques Roadshow has not yet been announced. The show’s producers typically announce the schedule in the spring of the year, so we can expect to hear more about the 2024 season in the coming months.

  • Why hasn’t the schedule been announced yet?

    There are a few reasons why the 2024 schedule for Antiques Roadshow has not yet been announced. One reason is that the show’s producers are still finalizing the details of the season, such as the cities that will be visited and the dates of the tapings.

  • When can we expect to hear more?

    We can expect to hear more about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow in the spring of 2024. The show’s producers typically announce the schedule in April or May, so we should have more information by then.

  • How can I stay updated on the latest news?

    There are a few ways to stay updated on the latest news about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow. One way is to visit the show’s website, where you can sign up for the email newsletter. You can also follow the show on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.

  • What should I do if I want to attend a taping?

    If you want to attend a taping of Antiques Roadshow, you should start by checking the show’s website to see if the schedule has been announced. Once the schedule is announced, you can sign up for tickets on the website. Tickets are typically distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is important to sign up early.

We hope this information is helpful. We look forward to announcing the 2024 schedule for Antiques Roadshow soon.

Check Antiques Roadshow website for updates

The best way to stay updated on the latest news about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow is to check the show’s website. The website is updated regularly with the latest information, including the schedule of upcoming tapings and ticket information.

  • Why is the website the best source of information?

    The website is the best source of information about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow because it is updated regularly by the show’s producers. The website also includes information that is not available anywhere else, such as behind-the-scenes photos and videos.

  • What kind of information can I find on the website?

    The website includes a variety of information about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow, including the schedule of upcoming tapings, ticket information, and behind-the-scenes photos and videos.

  • How often is the website updated?

    The website is updated regularly with the latest information about the 2024 season of Antiques Roadshow. The website is typically updated several times per week, so it is a good idea to check back often for the latest news.

  • What should I do if I can’t find the information I’m looking for?

    If you can’t find the information you’re looking for on the website, you can contact the show’s producers directly. The producers can be reached by email at

We hope this information is helpful. We encourage you to check the Antiques Roadshow website regularly for the latest news about the 2024 season.

Features experts appraising antiques

One of the most important aspects of Antiques Roadshow is the team of experts who appraise the antiques that are brought in by members of the public. These experts are some of the most knowledgeable and experienced in the world, and they are able to provide valuable insights into the history, value, and significance of the antiques that are presented to them.

The experts on Antiques Roadshow are drawn from a variety of backgrounds, including museums, auction houses, and private collections. They have a wide range of expertise, and they are able to appraise a wide variety of antiques, including furniture, paintings, jewelry, and ceramics.

The appraisal process on Antiques Roadshow is typically conducted in a two-step process. First, the experts examine the antique and ask the owner questions about its history and provenance. Then, the experts provide their appraisal, which includes an estimate of the antique’s value.

The appraisals on Antiques Roadshow are always fascinating, and they provide viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques. The experts are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise, and they are always happy to answer questions from the public.

Antiques Roadshow is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in antiques. The show provides viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques, and it also provides a glimpse into the world of antique collecting.

Popular television program

Antiques Roadshow is one of the most popular television programs in the world. The show has been on the air for over 40 years, and it has been seen by millions of people around the globe.

There are many reasons for Antiques Roadshow’s popularity. First, the show is educational. Viewers can learn a great deal about the history and value of antiques, and they can also get tips on how to care for their own antiques.

Second, the show is entertaining. The experts on Antiques Roadshow are always interesting and informative, and they are always willing to share their knowledge and expertise with the viewers. The show also features a variety of interesting stories about the people who bring their antiques to be appraised.

Finally, Antiques Roadshow is a feel-good show. The show celebrates the beauty and value of antiques, and it shows how antiques can bring people together.

Antiques Roadshow is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in antiques. The show provides viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques, and it also provides a glimpse into the world of antique collecting.

Showcases value and history of antiques

One of the most important aspects of Antiques Roadshow is its focus on the value and history of antiques. The show’s experts are able to provide valuable insights into the history, value, and significance of the antiques that are brought in by members of the public.

The value of an antique can be determined by a number of factors, including its age, rarity, condition, and provenance. The experts on Antiques Roadshow are able to assess all of these factors and provide an accurate estimate of the antique’s value.

The history of an antique can be just as important as its value. The experts on Antiques Roadshow are able to research the history of an antique and provide information about its previous owners, its use, and its significance.

By providing information about the value and history of antiques, Antiques Roadshow helps to educate viewers about the importance of these objects. The show also helps to promote the preservation of antiques and encourages people to appreciate the beauty and value of these objects.

Antiques Roadshow is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in antiques. The show provides viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques, and it also provides a glimpse into the world of antique collecting.

Members of the public bring in items

One of the most important aspects of Antiques Roadshow is the fact that members of the public can bring in items to be appraised. This gives people a chance to learn more about the history and value of their antiques, and it also gives the experts on the show a chance to see a wide variety of interesting and unique objects.

  • What kinds of items can people bring in?

    People can bring in any type of antique to be appraised, including furniture, paintings, jewelry, ceramics, and toys. The experts on the show are able to appraise a wide variety of objects, and they are always interested in seeing new and unusual items.

  • How do people get tickets to the show?

    Tickets to the show are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. People can sign up for tickets online or by mail. The show’s website also has information on how to get tickets for special events, such as VIP tours and behind-the-scenes experiences.

  • What should people bring with them to the show?

    People should bring their antiques to the show, as well as any documentation that they have about the items. This documentation could include receipts, letters, or photographs. The experts on the show will use this documentation to help them appraise the items.

  • What happens if an item is appraised for a lot of money?

    If an item is appraised for a lot of money, the owner may be surprised and excited. The experts on the show will be able to provide the owner with information about how to sell the item or how to get it insured.

Antiques Roadshow is a great opportunity for people to learn more about the history and value of their antiques. The show also provides a glimpse into the world of antique collecting and gives people a chance to see some of the most interesting and unique antiques in the world.

Informative and entertaining

One of the things that makes Antiques Roadshow so popular is that it is both informative and entertaining. The show’s experts are able to provide valuable insights into the history and value of antiques, and they are also able to make the show fun and engaging for viewers.

  • How is the show informative?

    The show is informative because the experts are able to provide valuable insights into the history and value of antiques. They can tell viewers about the different types of antiques, the materials that were used to make them, and the historical context in which they were created. They can also provide information about the current market value of antiques and how to care for them properly.

  • How is the show entertaining?

    The show is entertaining because it features a variety of interesting and unique antiques. Viewers can see everything from rare paintings to antique furniture to vintage clothing. The show also features interesting stories about the people who own the antiques and how they came to acquire them.

  • Why is it important for the show to be both informative and entertaining?

    It is important for the show to be both informative and entertaining because it makes the show more appealing to a wider audience. Viewers who are interested in learning more about antiques will appreciate the informative aspects of the show, while viewers who are looking for a more light-hearted and entertaining show will enjoy the fun and engaging segments.

  • How does the show balance being informative and entertaining?

    The show balances being informative and entertaining by providing a variety of segments that appeal to different viewers. Some segments focus on the history and value of antiques, while other segments focus on the more entertaining aspects of the show, such as the stories of the people who own the antiques.

Antiques Roadshow is a successful show because it is able to be both informative and entertaining. The show provides viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques, while also providing a fun and engaging experience.

Millions of viewers each season

Antiques Roadshow is one of the most popular television programs in the world, with millions of viewers each season. The show’s popularity is due to its unique format, which combines history, entertainment, and education.

  • Why is the show so popular?

    The show is popular because it appeals to a wide range of viewers. People who are interested in history will enjoy learning about the different types of antiques and the historical context in which they were created. People who are interested in entertainment will enjoy the fun and engaging segments, such as the stories of the people who own the antiques. And people who are interested in education will appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the value and care of antiques.

  • How many people watch the show?

    Millions of people watch the show each season. In the United States, the show airs on PBS and typically attracts an audience of over 10 million viewers per episode. The show also airs in over 100 other countries around the world.

  • What is the impact of the show’s popularity?

    The show’s popularity has had a positive impact on the antiques market. The show has helped to increase interest in antiques and has led to a rise in the prices of some antiques. The show has also helped to promote the preservation of antiques and has encouraged people to learn more about the history and value of these objects.

  • How can I watch the show?

    You can watch the show on PBS or on the show’s website. The show’s website also has a variety of videos, articles, and other resources that you can access for free.

Antiques Roadshow is a popular and successful television program that has a positive impact on the antiques market and on the preservation of antiques. The show’s popularity is due to its unique format, which combines history, entertainment, and education.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule:

Question 1: When will the 2024 schedule be announced?
Answer 1: The 2024 schedule has not yet been announced. The show’s producers typically announce the schedule in the spring of the year, so we can expect to hear more about the 2024 season in the coming months.

Question 2: How can I stay updated on the latest news about the 2024 schedule?
Answer 2: The best way to stay updated on the latest news about the 2024 schedule is to check the show’s website. The website is updated regularly with the latest information, including the schedule of upcoming tapings and ticket information.

Question 3: Where can I find tickets for the 2024 tapings?
Answer 3: Tickets for the 2024 tapings will be available on the show’s website once the schedule has been announced. Tickets are typically distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so it is important to sign up for tickets early.

Question 4: What should I bring with me to a taping?
Answer 4: You should bring your antiques to the taping, as well as any documentation that you have about the items. This documentation could include receipts, letters, or photographs. The experts on the show will use this documentation to help them appraise the items.

Question 5: What happens if my antique is appraised for a lot of money?
Answer 5: If your antique is appraised for a lot of money, you may be surprised and excited. The experts on the show will be able to provide you with information about how to sell the item or how to get it insured.

Question 6: Can I bring more than one antique to a taping?
Answer 6: Yes, you can bring more than one antique to a taping. However, the experts may not have time to appraise all of your antiques. It is best to bring your most valuable or interesting antiques to the taping.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. If you have any other questions, please visit the show’s website or contact the show’s producers directly.

In addition to the FAQ above, here are a few tips for attending a taping of Antiques Roadshow:


Here are a few tips for attending a taping of Antiques Roadshow:

Tip 1: Arrive early.
Tapings typically start early in the morning, so it is important to arrive early to get a good spot in line. You should also allow yourself extra time to park and to go through security.

Tip 2: Bring a variety of antiques.
The experts on Antiques Roadshow are able to appraise a wide variety of antiques, so it is a good idea to bring a variety of items to the taping. This will increase your chances of getting one of your antiques appraised.

Tip 3: Be prepared to talk about your antiques.
The experts on Antiques Roadshow will want to know about the history of your antiques and how you came to acquire them. It is a good idea to do some research on your antiques before the taping so that you can answer the experts’ questions.

Tip 4: Be patient.
Tapings can be long, so it is important to be patient. The experts will take their time to appraise your antiques and to provide you with information about their history and value.

We hope these tips have been helpful. We wish you the best of luck if you decide to attend a taping of Antiques Roadshow.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with information about the Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule. We encourage you to check the show’s website regularly for the latest news and information.


The Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule has not yet been announced, but the show typically airs in the summer months. The show features experts who appraise antiques brought in by members of the public. The show is popular because it is both informative and entertaining, and it provides viewers with a unique opportunity to learn more about the history and value of antiques.

If you are interested in attending a taping of Antiques Roadshow, we encourage you to check the show’s website regularly for the latest news and information. We also recommend that you arrive early, bring a variety of antiques, be prepared to talk about your antiques, and be patient.

We hope that this article has been helpful in providing you with information about the Antiques Roadshow 2024 schedule. We wish you the best of luck if you decide to attend a taping of the show.

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