Asla Student Awards 2024

The American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) is now accepting applications for the 2024 ASLA Student Awards. These awards recognize outstanding student work in landscape architecture, planning, and design. Eligible students include those enrolled in accredited landscape architecture programs at the undergraduate or graduate level.

ASLA Student Awards are presented in a variety of categories, including Design, Research, and Communications. The awards are judged by a panel of professionals from the fields of landscape architecture, planning, and design. The awards are presented at the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo, and the winners are featured in ASLA’s Landscape Architecture Magazine.

To apply for an ASLA Student Award, please visit the ASLA website. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024.

Asla Student Awards 2024

The ASLA Student Awards program recognizes outstanding student work in landscape architecture, planning, and design. The awards are presented in a variety of categories, and the winners are featured in ASLA’s Landscape Architecture Magazine.

  • Open to undergrad and graduate students
  • Presented in multiple categories
  • Judged by professionals
  • Presented at ASLA Annual Meeting
  • Winners featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine
  • Application deadline: March 1, 2024
  • Apply online at ASLA website
  • No entry fee
  • Open to students worldwide

For more information, please visit the ASLA website.

Open to undergrad and graduate students

The ASLA Student Awards are open to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited landscape architecture program. Students may submit work that they have completed as part of their coursework or as independent projects.

Undergraduate students are eligible to enter the following categories:

  • Design
  • Research
  • Communications

Graduate students are eligible to enter the following categories:

  • Design
  • Research
  • Communications
  • Professional Practice

All entries must be submitted through the ASLA website. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2024. For more information, please visit the ASLA website.

The ASLA Student Awards are a great opportunity for students to showcase their work and to gain recognition for their achievements. The awards are also a valuable way for students to connect with professionals in the field of landscape architecture.

Presented in multiple categories

The ASLA Student Awards are presented in a variety of categories, including Design, Research, Communications, and Professional Practice. The Design category is further divided into three subcategories: General Design, Residential Design, and Urban Design.

The Research category is for projects that advance the knowledge and practice of landscape architecture. The Communications category is for projects that communicate the value of landscape architecture to the public. The Professional Practice category is for projects that demonstrate excellence in the professional practice of landscape architecture.

Each category has its own specific criteria for judging. The criteria are designed to assess the quality of the work, the originality of the ideas, and the overall impact of the project.

The ASLA Student Awards are a great way for students to showcase their work and to gain recognition for their achievements. The awards are also a valuable way for students to connect with professionals in the field of landscape architecture.

For more information on the ASLA Student Awards, please visit the ASLA website.

Judged by professionals

The ASLA Student Awards are judged by a panel of professionals from the fields of landscape architecture, planning, and design. The jurors are selected for their expertise in the various categories of the awards.

  • Experience and Expertise

    The jurors have extensive experience in the field of landscape architecture. They are familiar with the latest trends and developments in the profession.

  • Objectivity and Fairness

    The jurors are objective and fair in their evaluations. They do not have any personal or professional relationships with the students who are submitting work for the awards.

  • Diversity

    The jurors represent a diverse range of perspectives and backgrounds. They come from different regions of the country and have different areas of expertise.

  • Commitment to Excellence

    The jurors are committed to excellence in landscape architecture. They are looking for work that is innovative, creative, and well-executed.

The ASLA Student Awards are a prestigious honor. The awards are judged by a panel of experts who are committed to recognizing and promoting excellence in landscape architecture.

Presented at ASLA Annual Meeting

The ASLA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of landscape architects in the world. It is a four-day event that features educational sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities. The ASLA Student Awards are presented at the Annual Meeting, and the winners are recognized for their achievements in front of a large audience of professionals.

Presenting the awards at the Annual Meeting is a great way to recognize the outstanding work of students in landscape architecture. It also provides students with an opportunity to meet and network with professionals in the field.

In addition to the awards presentation, the Annual Meeting also features a student portfolio competition. The competition is open to all students who are enrolled in an accredited landscape architecture program. The winners of the competition are featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine, and they receive cash prizes.

The ASLA Annual Meeting is a great opportunity for students to learn about the latest trends in landscape architecture and to connect with professionals in the field. The meeting is also a great place for students to showcase their work and to gain recognition for their achievements.

For more information on the ASLA Annual Meeting, please visit the ASLA website.

Winners featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine

The winners of the ASLA Student Awards are featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine. Landscape Architecture Magazine is the official publication of the American Society of Landscape Architects. It is a monthly magazine that covers the latest trends in landscape architecture, planning, and design.

  • Prestige and Recognition

    Being featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine is a prestigious honor. It is a sign of recognition for the student’s achievements in landscape architecture.

  • Exposure to a Wide Audience

    Landscape Architecture Magazine has a wide readership of landscape architects, planners, and designers. Being featured in the magazine gives the student’s work exposure to a large audience of professionals.

  • Networking Opportunities

    Being featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine can lead to networking opportunities. The student may be contacted by professionals who are interested in their work.

  • Career Advancement

    Being featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine can help the student advance their career. It can lead to job opportunities and other professional opportunities.

The ASLA Student Awards are a great way for students to gain recognition for their achievements in landscape architecture. Being featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine is a prestigious honor that can help the student advance their career.

Application deadline: March 1, 2024

The deadline for applications for the ASLA Student Awards is March 1, 2024. All applications must be submitted through the ASLA website. Late applications will not be accepted.

It is important to start working on your application early so that you have enough time to gather all of the necessary materials. The application process can be competitive, so it is important to put your best foot forward.

The following materials are required for all applications:

  • A completed application form
  • A portfolio of your work
  • Two letters of recommendation

For more information on the application process, please visit the ASLA website.

The ASLA Student Awards are a great opportunity for students to gain recognition for their achievements in landscape architecture. The awards are judged by a panel of experts, and the winners are featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine. If you are a student in landscape architecture, I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards.

Apply online at ASLA website

All applications for the ASLA Student Awards must be submitted online through the ASLA website. The online application form is available at the following link:

  • Convenience

    Applying online is convenient and easy. You can access the application form from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Organization

    The online application form is organized and easy to follow. It will help you to keep track of your progress and to ensure that you have submitted all of the required materials.

  • Timeliness

    Applying online ensures that your application will be submitted on time. The ASLA website will automatically track the deadline for applications.

  • Security

    The ASLA website is secure. Your personal information and your application materials will be protected.

I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards online. The online application process is convenient, easy, and secure.

No entry fee

There is no entry fee for the ASLA Student Awards. This means that students can apply for the awards without having to pay a fee.

  • Accessibility

    The no entry fee makes the ASLA Student Awards accessible to all students, regardless of their financial situation.

  • Encouragement

    The no entry fee encourages students to apply for the awards. Students do not have to worry about paying a fee, so they can focus on putting together a strong application.

  • Recognition

    The no entry fee does not diminish the value of the ASLA Student Awards. The awards are still a prestigious honor that can help students to advance their careers.

  • Inclusivity

    The no entry fee makes the ASLA Student Awards more inclusive. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, regardless of their financial situation.

I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards, even if you do not have the financial means to pay an entry fee. The awards are a great opportunity to gain recognition for your achievements in landscape architecture.

Open to students worldwide

The ASLA Student Awards are open to students from all over the world. This means that students from any country can apply for the awards.

  • Global Recognition

    The ASLA Student Awards are a global competition. Students from all over the world compete for the awards, which are judged by a panel of international experts.

  • Cultural Exchange

    The ASLA Student Awards promote cultural exchange. Students from different countries can learn from each other and share their ideas about landscape architecture.

  • Diversity

    The ASLA Student Awards celebrate diversity. Students from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, or gender.

  • Inspiration

    The ASLA Student Awards inspire students from all over the world. The awards show students that they can achieve great things in landscape architecture.

I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards, even if you are not from the United States. The awards are a great opportunity to gain recognition for your achievements in landscape architecture and to compete with students from all over the world.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the ASLA Student Awards:

Question 1: Who is eligible to apply for the ASLA Student Awards?
Answer 1: The ASLA Student Awards are open to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled in an accredited landscape architecture program.

Question 2: What categories are the ASLA Student Awards presented in?
Answer 2: The ASLA Student Awards are presented in a variety of categories, including Design, Research, Communications, and Professional Practice.

Question 3: Who judges the ASLA Student Awards?
Answer 3: The ASLA Student Awards are judged by a panel of professionals from the fields of landscape architecture, planning, and design.

Question 4: Where are the ASLA Student Awards presented?
Answer 4: The ASLA Student Awards are presented at the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo.

Question 5: What is the deadline for applications for the ASLA Student Awards?
Answer 5: The deadline for applications for the ASLA Student Awards is March 1, 2024.

Question 6: How can I apply for the ASLA Student Awards?
Answer 6: You can apply for the ASLA Student Awards online at the ASLA website.

Question 7: Is there an entry fee for the ASLA Student Awards?
Answer 7: No, there is no entry fee for the ASLA Student Awards.

Question 8: Are the ASLA Student Awards open to students from other countries?
Answer 8: Yes, the ASLA Student Awards are open to students from all over the world.

If you have any other questions about the ASLA Student Awards, please visit the ASLA website.

Now that you know more about the ASLA Student Awards, you can start preparing your application. Here are a few tips to help you put together a strong application:


Here are a few tips to help you put together a strong application for the ASLA Student Awards:

1. Start early. The application process for the ASLA Student Awards can be competitive, so it is important to start working on your application early. This will give you plenty of time to gather all of the necessary materials and to put together a polished application.

2. Carefully review the criteria. Before you start working on your application, take some time to carefully review the criteria for the awards. This will help you to understand what the judges are looking for and to tailor your application accordingly.

3. Put together a strong portfolio. Your portfolio is one of the most important parts of your application. It should showcase your best work and demonstrate your skills in landscape architecture. Make sure to include a variety of projects that represent your range of abilities.

4. Get feedback from others. Once you have put together a draft of your application, ask for feedback from others. This could include your professors, classmates, or a professional in the field of landscape architecture. Getting feedback from others can help you to identify areas where your application can be improved.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of winning an ASLA Student Award.

I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards. The awards are a great opportunity to gain recognition for your achievements in landscape architecture and to compete with students from all over the world.


The ASLA Student Awards are a prestigious honor that recognizes outstanding student work in landscape architecture, planning, and design. The awards are open to undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world. The awards are presented in a variety of categories, and the winners are featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine.

If you are a student in landscape architecture, I encourage you to apply for the ASLA Student Awards. The awards are a great opportunity to gain recognition for your achievements and to compete with students from all over the world. Applying for the awards is easy and convenient. You can apply online at the ASLA website. The deadline for applications is March 1, 2024.

I wish you the best of luck in your application for the ASLA Student Awards.

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