Bbcf Tier List 2024

BlazBlue: Central Fiction (BBCF) is a 2016 2D fighting game, the fourth installment in the BlazBlue series. It features a large roster of characters with unique abilities, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The game has been out for several years now, and the meta has settled down significantly. As such, it’s a good time to take a look at the current tier list for BBCF.

The BBCF tier list is based on a number of factors, including character usage statistics, tournament results, and player feedback. The top tiers are characters who are consistently strong in all areas of the game. The bottom tiers are characters who struggle to compete with the top tiers. The mid tiers are characters who fall somewhere in between.

Bbcf Tier List 2024

The BBCF tier list is based on a number of factors, including character usage statistics, tournament results, and player feedback. The top tiers are characters who are consistently strong in all areas of the game. The bottom tiers are characters who struggle to compete with the top tiers. The mid tiers are characters who fall somewhere in between.

  • Top tiers: Ragna, Jin, Noel
  • High tiers: Hazama, Tsubaki, Makoto
  • Mid tiers: Rachel, Platinum, Azrael
  • Low tiers: Bullet, Amane, Litchi
  • Bottom tiers: Celica, Taokaka

It’s important to note that the tier list is not set in stone. The meta can change over time, and new characters can be released that shake up the rankings. However, the current tier list is a good representation of the current state of the game.

Top tiers: Ragna, Jin, Noel

The top tiers in BBCF are Ragna, Jin, and Noel. These characters are all considered to be very strong in all areas of the game. They have good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. They are also all relatively easy to learn and play, making them a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.

  • Ragna is the main protagonist of the BlazBlue series. He is a powerful fighter who uses the Azure Grimoire, a cursed weapon that gives him immense power. Ragna is a well-rounded character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. He is also relatively easy to learn and play, making him a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.
  • Jin is Ragna’s younger brother and the deuteragonist of the BlazBlue series. He is a skilled swordsman who uses the Murakumo Unit, a powerful artifact that gives him the ability to control time. Jin is a fast and agile character with good damage output and good mobility. He is also relatively easy to learn and play, making him a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.
  • Noel is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. She is a skilled fighter who uses the Drive, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to manipulate space. Noel is a versatile character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. She is also relatively easy to learn and play, making her a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.

Overall, Ragna, Jin, and Noel are all excellent characters who are well-suited for both beginners and experienced players. They are all strong in all areas of the game, and they are relatively easy to learn and play. If you are looking for a character to main in BBCF, one of these three is a good choice.

High tiers: Hazama, Tsubaki, Makoto

The high tiers in BBCF are Hazama, Tsubaki, and Makoto. These characters are all considered to be very strong, but they are not quite as good as the top tiers. They may have some weaknesses in certain areas, but they are still very powerful overall.

Hazama is a playable character in BBCF. He is the leader of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main antagonists of the BlazBlue series. Hazama is a powerful fighter who uses the Nox Nyctores, a cursed weapon that gives him the ability to control darkness. He is a versatile character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, he is also relatively difficult to learn and play, making him a better choice for experienced players.

Tsubaki is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Tsubaki is a skilled fighter who uses the Izayoi, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to control ice. She is a well-rounded character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. She is also relatively easy to learn and play, making her a good choice for both beginners and experienced players.

Makoto is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Makoto is a skilled fighter who uses the Kusanagi, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to control fire. She is a fast and agile character with good damage output and good mobility. However, she is also relatively difficult to learn and play, making her a better choice for experienced players.

Overall, Hazama, Tsubaki, and Makoto are all excellent characters who are well-suited for both beginners and experienced players. They are all strong in all areas of the game, but they may have some weaknesses in certain areas. If you are looking for a character to main in BBCF, one of these three is a good choice.

Mid tiers: Rachel, Platinum, Azrael

The mid tiers in BBCF are Rachel, Platinum, and Azrael. These characters are all considered to be good, but they are not quite as good as the top tiers or the high tiers. They may have some weaknesses in certain areas, or they may be more difficult to learn and play. However, they are still very viable characters, and they can be very powerful in the right hands.

Rachel is a playable character in BBCF. She is a vampire and the leader of the NOL Intelligence Agency. Rachel is a powerful fighter who uses the Grimoire, a cursed weapon that gives her the ability to control time. She is a versatile character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, she is also relatively difficult to learn and play, making her a better choice for experienced players.

Platinum is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Platinum is a skilled fighter who uses the Murakumo Unit, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to control space. She is a fast and agile character with good damage output and good mobility. However, she is also relatively difficult to learn and play, making her a better choice for experienced players.

Azrael is a playable character in BBCF. He is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main antagonists of the BlazBlue series. Azrael is a powerful fighter who uses the Nox Nyctores, a cursed weapon that gives him the ability to control darkness. He is a well-rounded character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, he is also relatively difficult to learn and play, making him a better choice for experienced players.

Overall, Rachel, Platinum, and Azrael are all good characters who can be very powerful in the right hands. However, they may have some weaknesses in certain areas, or they may be more difficult to learn and play. If you are looking for a character to main in BBCF, one of these three is a good choice, but you may want to consider a top tier or high tier character if you are a beginner.

Low tiers: Bullet, Amane, Litchi

The low tiers in BBCF are Bullet, Amane, and Litchi. These characters are all considered to be weak, and they are not recommended for beginners. They may have some strengths, but they are outweighed by their weaknesses.

Bullet is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Bullet is a skilled fighter who uses the Drive, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to manipulate space. She is a fast and agile character with good damage output and good mobility. However, she is also very fragile and has poor defensive options, making her difficult to play effectively.

Amane is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Amane is a skilled fighter who uses the Nox Nyctores, a cursed weapon that gives her the ability to control darkness. She is a versatile character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, she is also very difficult to learn and play, making her a better choice for experienced players.

Litchi is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Litchi is a skilled fighter who uses the Kusanagi, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to control fire. She is a well-rounded character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, she is also very slow and has poor range, making her difficult to play effectively.

Overall, Bullet, Amane, and Litchi are all weak characters who are not recommended for beginners. They may have some strengths, but they are outweighed by their weaknesses. If you are looking for a character to main in BBCF, it is best to avoid these three.

Bottom tiers: Celica, Taokaka

The bottom tiers in BBCF are Celica and Taokaka. These characters are considered to be the weakest in the game, and they are not recommended for beginners or experienced players alike. They have very few strengths, and they are outweighed by their many weaknesses.

  • Celica is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Celica is a skilled fighter who uses the Grimoire, a cursed weapon that gives her the ability to control time. She is a versatile character with good damage output, good defensive options, and good mobility. However, she is also very difficult to learn and play, making her a better choice for experienced players.
  • Taokaka is a playable character in BBCF. She is a member of the NOL Intelligence Agency and one of the main protagonists of the BlazBlue series. Taokaka is a skilled fighter who uses the Murakumo Unit, a powerful artifact that gives her the ability to control space. She is a fast and agile character with good damage output and good mobility. However, she is also very fragile and has poor defensive options, making her difficult to play effectively.

Overall, Celica and Taokaka are both weak characters who are not recommended for beginners or experienced players alike. They have very few strengths, and they are outweighed by their many weaknesses. If you are looking for a character to main in BBCF, it is best to avoid these two.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the BBCF tier list:

Question 1: Who are the best characters in BBCF?

Answer: The best characters in BBCF are Ragna, Jin, and Noel.

Question 2: Who are the worst characters in BBCF?

Answer: The worst characters in BBCF are Celica and Taokaka.

Question 3: Is the tier list accurate?

Answer: The tier list is based on a number of factors, including character usage statistics, tournament results, and player feedback. It is generally considered to be accurate, but it is important to note that the meta can change over time.

Question 4: How can I improve my BBCF skills?

Answer: There are a number of ways to improve your BBCF skills. You can practice your combos, learn new strategies, and watch videos of professional players.

Question 5: What is the best way to learn BBCF?

Answer: The best way to learn BBCF is to find a mentor who can teach you the basics of the game. You can also join a community and ask for help from other players.

Question 6: What are some tips for playing BBCF?

Answer: Here are some tips for playing BBCF:
– Learn your character’s combos and setups.
– Practice your movement and spacing.
– Be aware of your opponent’s options and habits.
– Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own playstyle.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some additional tips that can help you improve your BBCF skills:


Here are some tips to help you improve your BBCF skills:

1. Learn your character’s combos and setups.

Every character in BBCF has their own unique set of combos and setups. It is important to learn these combos and setups so that you can maximize your damage output and punish your opponents.

2. Practice your movement and spacing.

Movement and spacing are essential skills in BBCF. You need to be able to move around the stage quickly and efficiently, and you need to be able to position yourself in a way that gives you the advantage in each matchup.

3. Be aware of your opponent’s options and habits.

It is important to be aware of your opponent’s options and habits. This will help you to predict their next move and to counter their strategies.

4. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own playstyle.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to BBCF. The best way to play is to experiment and find a playstyle that suits you. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to learn from your mistakes.

By following these tips, you can improve your BBCF skills and become a better player.


The BBCF tier list is a useful tool for understanding the relative strengths and weaknesses of the characters in the game. It can help you to choose a character that suits your playstyle and to learn how to play matchups against other characters. However, it is important to remember that the tier list is not set in stone. The meta can change over time, and new characters can be released that shake up the rankings. It is also important to note that tier lists are subjective, and there is no one definitive list that everyone agrees on.

Ultimately, the best way to improve your BBCF skills is to practice and to experiment. Find a character that you enjoy playing, and learn how to use their strengths to your advantage. Don’t be afraid to try new things and to learn from your mistakes. With enough practice, you can become a top BBCF player.

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