Global Big Day 2024

The Global Big Day is an annual event that encourages people around the world to go birding on the same day. This event is not just about counting as many birds as possible, but also about raising awareness about the importance of birds and their habitats. In 2023, over 500,000 people from 192 countries participated in the Global Big Day, and they observed over 7,000 different bird species.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to learn more about the birds in your area. It is also a great way to connect with other bird enthusiasts and to contribute to the scientific study of birds. If you are interested in participating in the Global Big Day, there are a few things you need to do.

Global Big Day 2024

The Global Big Day is an annual event that encourages people around the world to go birding on the same day. This event is not just about counting as many birds as possible, but also about raising awareness about the importance of birds and their habitats. In 2023, over 500,000 people from 192 countries participated in the Global Big Day, and they observed over 7,000 different bird species.

  • May 11, 2024
  • Count every bird
  • Anywhere in the world
  • For 24 hours
  • Use eBird app
  • Contribute to science
  • Connect with others
  • Have fun birding
  • Make a difference

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to learn more about the birds in your area. It is also a great way to connect with other bird enthusiasts and to contribute to the scientific study of birds. If you are interested in participating in the Global Big Day, there are a few things you need to do.

May 11, 2024

The Global Big Day is held on May 11, 2024. This date was chosen because it falls during the spring migration in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn migration in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that there will be a lot of bird activity on this day, making it a great time to go birding.

  • Why is the Global Big Day held on May 11, 2024?

    May 11, 2024 falls during the spring migration in the Northern Hemisphere and the autumn migration in the Southern Hemisphere. This means that there will be a lot of bird activity on this day, making it a great time to go birding.

  • What is the purpose of the Global Big Day?

    The Global Big Day is an annual event that encourages people around the world to go birding on the same day. This event is not just about counting as many birds as possible, but also about raising awareness about the importance of birds and their habitats.

  • Who can participate in the Global Big Day?

    Anyone can participate in the Global Big Day, regardless of their age, experience, or location. All you need is a pair of binoculars and a willingness to spend some time observing birds.

  • How can I participate in the Global Big Day?

    To participate in the Global Big Day, simply go birding on May 11, 2024 and submit your sightings to eBird. You can submit your sightings online or through the eBird mobile app.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to learn more about the birds in your area. It is also a great way to connect with other bird enthusiasts and to contribute to the scientific study of birds. If you are interested in participating in the Global Big Day, I encourage you to mark your calendar for May 11, 2024.

Count every bird

The goal of the Global Big Day is to count as many birds as possible. This includes all birds, regardless of their size, color, or species. You can count birds in your backyard, at your local park, or anywhere else in the world.

  • Why is it important to count every bird?

    Counting every bird helps scientists track bird populations and identify trends. This information can be used to develop conservation strategies to protect birds and their habitats.

  • How can I count birds?

    There are many ways to count birds. You can use binoculars or a spotting scope to observe birds from a distance. You can also listen for bird songs and calls. If you are new to birding, there are many resources available to help you learn how to identify birds.

  • What should I do if I see a bird that I don’t recognize?

    If you see a bird that you don’t recognize, you can take a photo or make a sketch of it. You can also consult a field guide or online resources to help you identify the bird.

  • How do I submit my bird sightings?

    You can submit your bird sightings to eBird. eBird is a global database of bird observations that is used by scientists and conservationists around the world. You can submit your sightings online or through the eBird mobile app.

The Global Big Day is a great way to contribute to the scientific study of birds. By counting every bird you see, you can help scientists learn more about bird populations and trends. This information can be used to develop conservation strategies to protect birds and their habitats.

Anywhere in the world

The Global Big Day is a truly global event. People from all over the world participate in this event, regardless of their location. You can participate in the Global Big Day from your backyard, your local park, or anywhere else in the world.

If you are traveling on the Global Big Day, you can still participate in the event. Simply submit your sightings from wherever you are in the world. Your sightings will be added to the global database of bird observations.

The Global Big Day is a great way to learn about the birds in your area and to connect with other bird enthusiasts around the world. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Here are a few tips for participating in the Global Big Day from anywhere in the world:

  • Plan your birding route in advance.
  • Bring binoculars or a spotting scope.
  • Download the eBird mobile app.
  • Create an eBird account.
  • Submit your bird sightings to eBird.

For 24 hours

The Global Big Day is a 24-hour event that begins at 12:00 AM local time on May 11, 2024 and ends at 11:59 PM local time on the same day. During this 24-hour period, participants are encouraged to spend as much time as possible birding and submitting their sightings to eBird.

  • Why is the Global Big Day a 24-hour event?

    The Global Big Day is a 24-hour event because it allows people from all over the world to participate, regardless of their time zone. This means that there is always someone birding and submitting sightings to eBird, which helps to create a more complete picture of bird populations and trends.

  • How can I participate in the Global Big Day for the full 24 hours?

    If you want to participate in the Global Big Day for the full 24 hours, you can plan your birding route in advance to make the most of your time. You can also team up with other bird enthusiasts to cover more ground and increase your chances of seeing a variety of birds.

  • What if I can’t participate in the Global Big Day for the full 24 hours?

    Even if you can’t participate in the Global Big Day for the full 24 hours, you can still participate for as long as you can. Every bird sighting that you submit to eBird helps to contribute to the global database of bird observations.

  • How can I submit my bird sightings to eBird?

    You can submit your bird sightings to eBird online or through the eBird mobile app. To submit your sightings online, go to the eBird website and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start submitting your sightings. To submit your sightings through the eBird mobile app, download the app from the App Store or Google Play and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start submitting your sightings.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to learn more about the birds in your area. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Use eBird app

The eBird app is a free and easy-to-use app that allows you to submit your bird sightings to eBird. The app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

To use the eBird app, simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play and create an account. Once you have created an account, you can start submitting your bird sightings.

The eBird app has a number of features that make it easy to submit your bird sightings, including:

  • A built-in GPS that allows you to track your location and record the location of your bird sightings.
  • A searchable database of bird species that makes it easy to identify the birds you see.
  • The ability to add photos and audio recordings to your bird sightings.

The eBird app is a great way to participate in the Global Big Day and to contribute to the scientific study of birds. By submitting your bird sightings to eBird, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Contribute to science

The Global Big Day is a great way to contribute to science. By submitting your bird sightings to eBird, you are helping scientists track bird populations and trends. This information can be used to develop conservation strategies to protect birds and their habitats.

Scientists use the data collected from the Global Big Day to study a variety of topics, including:

  • Bird distribution and abundance
  • Bird migration patterns
  • The effects of climate change on birds
  • The impact of habitat loss on birds

The data collected from the Global Big Day has helped scientists make a number of important discoveries. For example, scientists have used the data to identify new bird migration routes, to track the decline of bird populations, and to identify the factors that are driving these declines.

By participating in the Global Big Day, you can help scientists continue to learn more about birds and their habitats. This information is essential for developing conservation strategies to protect birds and their habitats.

Connect with others

The Global Big Day is a great way to connect with other bird enthusiasts. You can connect with other birders in your area through local bird clubs and online forums. You can also connect with birders from all over the world through eBird.

  • How can I connect with other birders in my area?

    There are a number of ways to connect with other birders in your area. You can join a local bird club or attend bird walks and field trips. You can also find birding buddies online through websites and social media.

  • How can I connect with birders from all over the world?

    You can connect with birders from all over the world through eBird. eBird is a global online community of birders that share their bird sightings. You can use eBird to find birding hotspots, learn about new bird species, and connect with other birders.

  • What are the benefits of connecting with other birders?

    There are many benefits to connecting with other birders. You can learn from other birders, share your knowledge and experiences, and make new friends. Connecting with other birders can also help you to stay motivated and to learn more about birds.

  • How can I get involved in the Global Big Day community?

    There are a number of ways to get involved in the Global Big Day community. You can participate in the event by submitting your bird sightings to eBird. You can also join the Global Big Day Facebook group or follow the hashtag #globalbigday on social media.

The Global Big Day is a great way to connect with other bird enthusiasts and to learn more about birds. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Have fun birding

The Global Big Day is a great excuse to get outside and enjoy birding. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced birder, there’s something for everyone on the Global Big Day.

  • How can I get started with birding?

    Getting started with birding is easy. All you need is a pair of binoculars and a field guide. You can also download the eBird mobile app to help you identify birds.

  • Where can I go birding?

    There are many great places to go birding. You can find birds in your backyard, at your local park, or at a nature reserve. You can also search for birding hotspots on eBird.

  • What are some tips for birding?

    Here are a few tips for birding:

    • Be patient and observant.
    • Use your binoculars to get a closer look at birds.
    • Listen for bird songs and calls.
    • Take notes or photos of the birds you see.
  • How can I participate in the Global Big Day?

    To participate in the Global Big Day, simply go birding on May 11, 2024 and submit your sightings to eBird. You can submit your sightings online or through the eBird mobile app.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to learn more about the birds in your area. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Make a difference

The Global Big Day is a great way to make a difference for birds. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

  • How can I help scientists track bird populations and trends?

    You can help scientists track bird populations and trends by submitting your bird sightings to eBird. eBird is a global online database of bird observations that is used by scientists and conservationists around the world.

  • How can I contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats?

    You can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats by supporting organizations that are working to protect birds and their habitats. You can also make a difference by reducing your impact on the environment.

  • What are some things I can do to reduce my impact on the environment?

    Here are a few things you can do to reduce your impact on the environment:

    • Reduce your energy consumption.
    • Conserve water.
    • Recycle and compost.
    • Buy sustainable products.
    • Support businesses that are committed to sustainability.
  • How can I get involved in bird conservation?

    There are many ways to get involved in bird conservation. You can volunteer with a local bird club or conservation organization. You can also support bird conservation by donating to organizations that are working to protect birds and their habitats.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to make a difference for birds. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Global Big Day 2024:

Question 1: What is the Global Big Day?
Answer 1: The Global Big Day is an annual event that encourages people around the world to go birding on the same day. This event is not just about counting as many birds as possible, but also about raising awareness about the importance of birds and their habitats.

Question 2: When is the Global Big Day 2024?
Answer 2: The Global Big Day 2024 will be held on May 11, 2024.

Question 3: Where can I participate in the Global Big Day?
Answer 3: You can participate in the Global Big Day from anywhere in the world.

Question 4: How can I participate in the Global Big Day?
Answer 4: To participate in the Global Big Day, simply go birding on May 11, 2024 and submit your sightings to eBird.

Question 5: What is eBird?
Answer 5: eBird is a global online database of bird observations that is used by scientists and conservationists around the world.

Question 6: Why is the Global Big Day important?
Answer 6: The Global Big Day is important because it helps scientists track bird populations and trends. This information can be used to develop conservation strategies to protect birds and their habitats.

Question 7: How can I get involved in bird conservation?
Answer 7: There are many ways to get involved in bird conservation. You can volunteer with a local bird club or conservation organization. You can also support bird conservation by donating to organizations that are working to protect birds and their habitats.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to make a difference for birds. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.


Here are a few tips to help you make the most of the Global Big Day 2024:

Tip 1: Plan your birding route in advance.
If you want to make the most of your time on the Global Big Day, it’s a good idea to plan your birding route in advance. This will help you to identify the best birding spots in your area and to maximize your chances of seeing a variety of birds.

Tip 2: Bring binoculars or a spotting scope.
Binoculars or a spotting scope will help you to get a closer look at birds and to identify them more easily. If you don’t have your own binoculars or spotting scope, you can borrow them from a friend or a local library.

Tip 3: Download the eBird mobile app.
The eBird mobile app is a great way to submit your bird sightings on the Global Big Day. The app is free to download and use, and it makes it easy to record your sightings and submit them to eBird.

Tip 4: Team up with other birders.
Teaming up with other birders can help you to cover more ground and increase your chances of seeing a variety of birds. You can find other birders to team up with through local bird clubs or online forums.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to make a difference for birds. By following these tips, you can make the most of your time on the Global Big Day and help to contribute to the scientific study of birds.


The Global Big Day is a global event that encourages people around the world to go birding on the same day. This event is not just about counting as many birds as possible, but also about raising awareness about the importance of birds and their habitats.

The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding and to make a difference for birds. By participating in this event, you can help scientists track bird populations and trends, and you can contribute to the conservation of birds and their habitats.

Here are a few key points to remember about the Global Big Day 2024:

  • The Global Big Day 2024 will be held on May 11, 2024.
  • You can participate in the Global Big Day from anywhere in the world.
  • To participate in the Global Big Day, simply go birding on May 11, 2024 and submit your sightings to eBird.
  • The Global Big Day is a great way to get involved in birding, to make a difference for birds, and to contribute to the scientific study of birds.

I encourage everyone to participate in the Global Big Day 2024. By working together, we can make a difference for birds and their habitats.

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