How To List Skills On A Resume 2024

Creating a compelling resume is important to job seekers in 2024 and beyond. A well-crafted resume can help you stand out from the competition and secure the job you want.

One of the most important parts of your resume is the skills section. Your skills section showcases your abilities and qualifications to potential employers. To make the most of your skills section, it’s important to list your skills in a way that is both concise and effective.

Here are a few tips for listing your skills on a resume in 2024:

How To List Skills On A Resume 2024

Here are 9 important points to keep in mind when listing your skills on a resume in 2024:

  • Use a mix of hard and soft skills
  • Quantify your skills
  • Use keywords
  • Tailor your skills to the job
  • Use a consistent format
  • Proofread carefully
  • Consider using a skills matrix
  • Highlight your most relevant skills
  • Don’t list every skill you have

By following these tips, you can create a skills section that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job you want.

Use a mix of hard and soft skills

When listing your skills on a resume, it’s important to use a mix of hard and soft skills. Hard skills are specific, technical skills that can be learned through education or experience. Soft skills are more general, transferable skills that are often associated with personality traits.

  • Technical skills are specific skills that you have learned through education or experience. These skills can be used to perform specific tasks or jobs. Examples of technical skills include:

    – Computer programming

    – Data analysis

    – Graphic design

    – Marketing

    – Sales

  • Soft skills are more general, transferable skills that are often associated with personality traits. These skills can be used in a variety of different jobs and situations. Examples of soft skills include:

    – Communication

    – Teamwork

    – Problem-solving

    – Critical thinking

    – Leadership

  • Interpersonal skills are the skills you use to interact with others. These skills are important for building relationships and working effectively in a team environment. Examples of interpersonal skills include:

    – Active listening

    – Verbal communication

    – Nonverbal communication

    – Empathy

    – Conflict resolution

  • Adaptability skills enable you to adjust to different situations and challenges. They are important for navigating change and working in a variety of environments. Examples of adaptability skills include:

    – Flexibility

    – Resilience

    – Open-mindedness

    – Cultural sensitivity

    – Learning agility

By using a mix of hard and soft skills, you can create a resume that showcases your well-roundedness and ability to succeed in a variety of roles.

Quantify your skills

Whenever possible, quantify your skills on your resume. This means using numbers to show the impact of your work. For example, instead of saying “I managed a team of customer service representatives,” you could say “I managed a team of customer service representatives and reduced customer churn by 15%.”

  • Use specific numbers. Don’t say “I increased sales.” Instead, say “I increased sales by 20%.”

    Here are some examples of quantified skills:

    – Increased sales by 20%

    – Reduced customer churn by 15%

    – Managed a team of 10 customer service representatives

    – Developed and implemented a new marketing campaign that generated 100 leads

    – Saved the company $1 million by negotiating a new contract with a vendor

  • Use percentages. Percentages can be a great way to show the impact of your work. For example, you could say “I increased website traffic by 25%.”

    Here are some examples of quantified skills using percentages:

    – Increased website traffic by 25%

    – Reduced customer complaints by 30%

    – Improved employee satisfaction by 10%

  • Use specific timeframes. When possible, use specific timeframes to show how quickly you achieved results. For example, you could say “I increased sales by 20% in 6 months.”

    Here are some examples of quantified skills using specific timeframes:

    – Increased sales by 20% in 6 months

    – Reduced customer churn by 15% in 1 year

    – Developed and implemented a new marketing campaign that generated 100 leads in 3 months

  • Be honest and accurate. Don’t exaggerate your accomplishments. Be honest and accurate in your quantifications.

By quantifying your skills, you can make your resume more impressive and show potential employers the impact of your work.

Use keywords

When listing your skills on your resume, it’s important to use keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases that potential employers will be searching for when they’re looking for candidates to fill their open positions.

  • Identify the keywords for the job you’re applying for. The best way to identify the keywords for a job is to read the job description carefully. Pay attention to the skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for.

    Here are some examples of common keywords:

    – Communication

    – Teamwork

    – Problem-solving

    – Critical thinking

    – Leadership

    – Management

    – Sales

    – Marketing

    – Finance

    – Accounting

    – Technology

    – Data analysis

    – Project management

  • Use the keywords in your resume. Once you’ve identified the keywords for the job you’re applying for, use them throughout your resume. You can use them in your skills section, your work experience section, and your education section.

    Here are some examples of how to use keywords in your resume:

    – Skills section: “Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.”

    – Work experience section: “Managed a team of customer service representatives and reduced customer churn by 15%.”

    – Education section: “Earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a focus on data analysis.”

  • Don’t overuse keywords. It’s important to use keywords in your resume, but don’t overuse them. If you use too many keywords, your resume will look spammy and unprofessional.

    A good rule of thumb is to use each keyword no more than 2-3 times throughout your resume.

  • Use keywords naturally. When you’re using keywords in your resume, make sure to use them naturally. Don’t force them into your resume where they don’t fit.

    For example, don’t say “I am a highly motivated individual with excellent communication skills” if you don’t have any experience in communication.

By using keywords in your resume, you can make your resume more visible to potential employers and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Tailor your skills to the job

One of the most important things you can do when listing your skills on a resume is to tailor your skills to the job you’re applying for. This means highlighting the skills that are most relevant to the job and that the employer is looking for.

To tailor your skills to the job, start by reading the job description carefully. Pay attention to the skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for. Then, go through your list of skills and identify the skills that are most relevant to the job. These are the skills that you should highlight on your resume.

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a marketing manager, you would want to highlight your skills in marketing, advertising, and public relations. You would also want to highlight your experience in developing and executing marketing campaigns.

Here are some additional tips for tailoring your skills to the job:

  • Use the same language as the job description. When describing your skills, use the same language as the job description. This will help the employer to see that you have the skills that they’re looking for.
  • Quantify your skills. Whenever possible, quantify your skills to show the impact of your work. For example, instead of saying “I managed a team of customer service representatives,” you could say “I managed a team of customer service representatives and reduced customer churn by 15%.”
  • Use keywords. Use keywords throughout your resume, including in your skills section. This will help your resume to be more visible to potential employers and increase your chances of getting an interview.

By tailoring your skills to the job, you can make your resume more relevant to the employer and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Use a consistent format

When listing your skills on a resume, it’s important to use a consistent format. This means using the same font, font size, and formatting for all of your skills. This will make your resume look more polished and professional.

Here are some tips for using a consistent format when listing your skills on a resume:

  • Choose a font and font size that is easy to read. A good font size for a resume is 11 or 12 points.

    Some good fonts for resumes include:

    – Arial

    – Calibri

    – Times New Roman

    – Georgia

    – Helvetica

  • Use the same formatting for all of your skills. For example, you could use bullet points, dashes, or commas to separate your skills.

    Here are some examples of consistent formatting:

    – Bullet points:

    – Skills:

    – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

    – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

    – Strong problem-solving and analytical skills

    – Dashes:

    – Skills:

    – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

    – Excellent communication – interpersonal skills

    – Strong problem-solving – analytical skills

    – Commas:

    – Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, strong problem-solving and analytical skills

  • Use a consistent order for your skills. For example, you could list your skills in order of relevance to the job, in order of importance, or in alphabetical order.

    Here are some examples of consistent order:

    – Order of relevance:

    – Skills:

    – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

    – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

    – Strong problem-solving and analytical skills

    – Order of importance:

    – Skills:

    – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

    – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

    – Strong problem-solving and analytical skills

    – Alphabetical order:

    – Skills:

    – Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite

    – Strong problem-solving and analytical skills

    – Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

By using a consistent format when listing your skills on a resume, you can make your resume look more polished and professional.

Proofread carefully

Once you’ve finished writing your resume, it’s important to proofread it carefully for any errors. This includes checking for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting errors.

  • Check for typos. Typos are one of the most common errors on resumes. Make sure to check your resume carefully for any typos, especially in your name, contact information, and skills section.
  • Check for grammatical errors. Grammatical errors can make your resume look unprofessional. Make sure to check your resume carefully for any grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement errors, pronoun errors, and spelling errors.
  • Check for formatting errors. Formatting errors can make your resume difficult to read. Make sure to check your resume carefully for any formatting errors, such as inconsistent font sizes, inconsistent margins, and inconsistent spacing.
  • Have someone else proofread your resume. If possible, have someone else proofread your resume before you submit it. This will help to catch any errors that you may have missed.

By proofreading your resume carefully, you can make sure that it is error-free and professional.

Consider using a skills matrix

A skills matrix is a table that lists your skills and the level of proficiency you have in each skill. Skills matrices can be a helpful way to organize and present your skills on a resume, especially if you have a lot of skills.

To create a skills matrix, start by listing your skills in the first column. Then, create a scale to rate your proficiency in each skill. For example, you could use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is beginner and 5 is expert.

Once you have created a scale, rate your proficiency in each skill. Be honest and accurate in your ratings.

Here is an example of a skills matrix:

| Skill | Proficiency |
| Microsoft Office Suite | 5 |
| Communication | 4 |
| Teamwork | 4 |
| Problem-solving | 3 |
| Critical thinking | 3 |

By using a skills matrix, you can give potential employers a quick and easy way to see your skills and your level of proficiency in each skill.

Highlight your most relevant skills

Once you’ve listed all of your skills, it’s important to highlight your most relevant skills. These are the skills that are most important to the job you’re applying for.

  • Read the job description carefully. Pay attention to the skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for.

    Here are some examples of common skills that employers look for:

    – Communication

    – Teamwork

    – Problem-solving

    – Critical thinking

    – Leadership

    – Management

    – Sales

    – Marketing

    – Finance

    – Accounting

    – Technology

    – Data analysis

    – Project management

  • Identify your most relevant skills. Once you know the skills that the employer is looking for, identify your most relevant skills. These are the skills that you have the most experience in and that are most relevant to the job.
  • Highlight your most relevant skills on your resume. There are a few different ways to highlight your most relevant skills on your resume:

    – You can list your most relevant skills in a prominent section of your resume, such as the skills section or the summary section.

    – You can use bold or italics to highlight your most relevant skills.

    – You can provide specific examples of how you’ve used your most relevant skills in your work experience.
  • Don’t list every skill you have. It’s important to only list your most relevant skills on your resume. Don’t list every skill you have, as this will make your resume look cluttered and unfocused.

By highlighting your most relevant skills, you can make your resume more relevant to the employer and increase your chances of getting an interview.

Don’t list every skill you have

It’s important to only list your most relevant skills on your resume. Don’t list every skill you have, as this will make your resume look cluttered and unfocused.

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t list every skill you have on your resume:

  • It makes your resume look cluttered and unfocused. When you list every skill you have, it can make your resume look cluttered and unfocused. This can make it difficult for employers to quickly and easily find the information they’re looking for.
  • It can be overwhelming for employers. When employers are looking at your resume, they want to be able to quickly and easily find the information they’re looking for. If your resume is cluttered with a long list of skills, it can be overwhelming for employers and they may not take the time to read it all.
  • It can make you look like a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. When you list every skill you have, it can make you look like a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. This can make it difficult for employers to see what your true strengths are.
  • It can take away from your most relevant skills. When you list every skill you have, it can take away from your most relevant skills. This is because employers will be more likely to focus on the skills that are listed first.

Instead of listing every skill you have, focus on listing your most relevant skills. These are the skills that are most important to the job you’re applying for and that you have the most experience in.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how to list skills on a resume in 2024:

Question 1: What are the most important things to keep in mind when listing skills on a resume?
Answer 1: The most important things to keep in mind when listing skills on a resume are to use a mix of hard and soft skills, quantify your skills whenever possible, use keywords, tailor your skills to the job you’re applying for, use a consistent format, and proofread carefully.

Question 2: What is the best way to quantify my skills?
Answer 2: The best way to quantify your skills is to use specific numbers and percentages to show the impact of your work. For example, instead of saying “I managed a team of customer service representatives,” you could say “I managed a team of customer service representatives and reduced customer churn by 15%.”

Question 3: How do I use keywords in my resume?
Answer 3: To use keywords in your resume, identify the keywords that potential employers are looking for in job descriptions. Then, use those keywords throughout your resume, including in your skills section, work experience section, and education section.

Question 4: How do I tailor my skills to the job I’m applying for?
Answer 4: To tailor your skills to the job you’re applying for, read the job description carefully and identify the skills and qualifications that the employer is looking for. Then, highlight the skills that you have that are most relevant to the job.

Question 5: What is the best way to format my skills section?
Answer 5: The best way to format your skills section is to use a consistent format for all of your skills. This means using the same font, font size, and formatting for all of your skills.

Question 6: How can I make sure my resume is error-free?
Answer 6: To make sure your resume is error-free, proofread it carefully for any typos, grammatical errors, and formatting errors. You can also have someone else proofread your resume before you submit it.

Question 7: Should I list every skill I have on my resume?
Answer 7: No, you should not list every skill you have on your resume. Instead, focus on listing your most relevant skills. These are the skills that are most important to the job you’re applying for and that you have the most experience in.

By following these tips, you can create a skills section that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job you want.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few additional tips for listing skills on a resume in 2024:


Here are a few additional tips for listing skills on a resume in 2024:

Tip 1: Use a skills matrix. A skills matrix is a table that lists your skills and the level of proficiency you have in each skill. Skills matrices can be a helpful way to organize and present your skills on a resume, especially if you have a lot of skills.

Tip 2: Highlight your most relevant skills. Once you’ve listed all of your skills, it’s important to highlight your most relevant skills. These are the skills that are most important to the job you’re applying for.

Tip 3: Use keywords. When listing your skills, it’s important to use keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases that potential employers will be searching for when they’re looking for candidates to fill their open positions.

Tip 4: Quantify your skills. Whenever possible, quantify your skills to show the impact of your work. For example, instead of saying “I managed a team of customer service representatives,” you could say “I managed a team of customer service representatives and reduced customer churn by 15%.”

By following these tips, you can create a skills section that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job you want.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a skills section that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job you want.


In this article, we’ve discussed how to list skills on a resume in 2024. We’ve covered a variety of topics, including how to use a mix of hard and soft skills, how to quantify your skills, how to use keywords, how to tailor your skills to the job, how to use a consistent format, and how to proofread carefully.

By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a skills section that will help you stand out from the competition and land the job you want.

Remember, your skills section is one of the most important parts of your resume. It’s your chance to showcase your abilities and qualifications to potential employers. By taking the time to create a strong skills section, you can increase your chances of getting noticed and landing the job you want.

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