Pokken Tournament Dx Tier List 2024

Pokkén Tournament DX is a fighting game developed by Bandai Namco Studios and The Pokémon Company for the Nintendo Switch. It is an updated version of the 2015 arcade game Pokkén Tournament, and was released worldwide on September 22, 2017.

The game features a roster of 21 playable characters, including all of the characters from the original Pokkén Tournament game, as well as five new characters: Aegislash, Blastoise, Decidueye, Lycanroc, and Mimikyu. Each character has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and can be played in one of three different styles: Attack, Technical, or Speed.

Pokken Tournament Dx Tier List 2024

The Pokkén Tournament DX tier list is a ranking of the game’s characters based on their overall strength and viability in competitive play.

  • S Tier: Decidueye, Pikachu
  • A Tier: Braixen, Chandelure, Charizard, Darkrai, Empoleon
  • B Tier: Aegislash, Blaziken, Croagunk, Gengar, Machamp, Mewtwo
  • C Tier: Blastoise, Gardevoir, Lucario, Mienshao, Sceptile
  • D Tier: Infernape, Scizor, Suicune, Weavile

The S tier characters are the best in the game, and are considered to be the most powerful and versatile. The A tier characters are also very strong, but have some minor weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited. The B tier characters are solid all-rounders, and can be used to compete effectively against most of the cast. The C tier characters are somewhat weaker than the top tiers, but can still be used to win matches if played skillfully. The D tier characters are the weakest in the game, and are generally not recommended for competitive play.

S Tier: Decidueye, Pikachu

Decidueye and Pikachu are the two best characters in Pokkén Tournament DX. They are both incredibly powerful and versatile, and can be used to win matches against any opponent.

Decidueye is a zoning character, meaning that he excels at keeping his opponents at a distance and controlling the pace of the match. He has a variety of long-range attacks, including Spirit Shackle, Razor Leaf, and Shadow Sneak. He can also use his Synthesis move to heal himself and remove status effects.

Pikachu is a rushdown character, meaning that he excels at getting in close and dealing heavy damage quickly. He has a variety of fast and powerful attacks, including Thunder Jolt, Iron Tail, and Volt Tackle. He can also use his Quick Attack move to dodge attacks and close the distance on his opponents.

Both Decidueye and Pikachu have strong matchups against most of the cast. Decidueye is particularly strong against zoning characters, as he can outrange them and keep them at bay. Pikachu is particularly strong against rushdown characters, as he can outspeed them and punish them for their mistakes.

Overall, Decidueye and Pikachu are the two best characters in Pokkén Tournament DX. They are both incredibly powerful and versatile, and can be used to win matches against any opponent.

A Tier: Braixen, Chandelure, Charizard, Darkrai, Empoleon

The A tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are all very strong and versatile, but they have some minor weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited. They are still excellent choices for competitive play, and can be used to win matches against most opponents.

  • Braixen is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Fire Blast, Flamethrower, and Psychic. She can also use her Reflect Type move to create a barrier that blocks projectiles.
  • Chandelure is a setup character that excels at trapping opponents and setting up combos. He has a variety of moves that can be used to create traps, including Shadow Ball, Hex, and Trick Room.
  • Charizard is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, and Flare Blitz. He can also use his Fly move to gain invincibility and close the distance on his opponents.
  • Darkrai is a mixup character with a variety of moves that can be used to keep opponents guessing. He has a variety of fast and powerful attacks, including Dark Pulse, Shadow Sneak, and Void Sphere.
  • Empoleon is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Flash Cannon. He can also use his Protect move to create a barrier that blocks attacks.

Overall, the A tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are all very strong and versatile. They can be used to win matches against most opponents, but they have some minor weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited.

B Tier: Aegislash, Blaziken, Croagunk, Gengar, Machamp, Mewtwo

The B tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are all solid all-rounders. They can be used to compete effectively against most of the cast, but they have some weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited.

  • Aegislash is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Shadow Ball, Flash Cannon, and Sacred Sword. He can also use his King’s Shield move to create a barrier that blocks attacks.
  • Blaziken is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including Blaze Kick, High Jump Kick, and Flare Blitz. He can also use his Speed Boost move to increase his speed and close the distance on his opponents.
  • Croagunk is a mixup character with a variety of moves that can be used to keep opponents guessing. He has a variety of fast and powerful attacks, including Poison Jab, Cross Poison, and Gunk Shot.
  • Gengar is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, and Sludge Bomb. He can also use his Destiny Bond move to create a link with an opponent, causing them to faint if he faints.
  • Machamp is a grappler character with powerful throws and close-range attacks, including Dynamic Punch, Cross Chop, and Submission. He can also use his Bulk Up move to increase his attack and defense.
  • Mewtwo is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Aura Sphere. He can also use his Disable move to prevent opponents from using certain moves.

Overall, the B tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are all solid all-rounders. They can be used to compete effectively against most of the cast, but they have some weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited.

C Tier: Blastoise, Gardevoir, Lucario, Mienshao, Sceptile

The C tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are somewhat weaker than the top tiers, but can still be used to win matches if played skillfully. They have some major weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited, but they also have some strengths that can be used to their advantage.

  • Blastoise is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Aura Sphere. He can also use his Withdraw move to create a barrier that blocks attacks.
  • Gardevoir is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Moonblast. She can also use her Reflect Type move to create a barrier that blocks projectiles.
  • Lucario is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including Force Palm, Aura Sphere, and Extreme Speed. He can also use his Double Team move to create a decoy that can confuse opponents.
  • Mienshao is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including High Jump Kick, U-turn, and Aura Sphere. He can also use his Agility move to increase his speed and close the distance on his opponents.
  • Sceptile is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Leaf Storm, Solar Beam, and Dragon Pulse. He can also use his Substitute move to create a decoy that can take damage for him.

Overall, the C tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are somewhat weaker than the top tiers, but can still be used to win matches if played skillfully. They have some major weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited, but they also have some strengths that can be used to their advantage.

D Tier: Infernape, Scizor, Suicune, Weavile

The D tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are the weakest in the game. They have major weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited, and they lack the strengths to compete effectively against the top tiers.

Infernape is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including Mach Punch, Flamethrower, and Close Combat. However, he is very slow and has poor range, which makes him easy to punish.

Scizor is a grappler character with powerful throws and close-range attacks, including Bullet Punch, X-Scissor, and Iron Head. However, he is very slow and has poor range, which makes him easy to punish.

Suicune is a zoning character with a variety of long-range attacks, including Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, and Aurora Beam. However, he is very slow and has poor damage output, which makes him easy to outplay.

Weavile is a rushdown character with powerful close-range attacks, including Ice Shard, Night Slash, and Triple Axel. However, he is very frail and has poor range, which makes him easy to punish.

Overall, the D tier characters in Pokkén Tournament DX are the weakest in the game. They have major weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited, and they lack the strengths to compete effectively against the top tiers.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Pokkén Tournament DX tier list:

Question: What is the best character in Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: Decidueye and Pikachu are the best characters in Pokkén Tournament DX.

Question: What is the worst character in Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: Weavile is the worst character in Pokkén Tournament DX.

Question: What are some tips for playing Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: Some tips for playing Pokkén Tournament DX include learning your character’s combos, practicing your timing, and studying your opponents.

Question: What is the best way to improve at Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: The best way to improve at Pokkén Tournament DX is to practice regularly and learn from your mistakes.

Question: What are some of the most common mistakes that beginners make in Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: Some of the most common mistakes that beginners make in Pokkén Tournament DX include button mashing, not blocking, and not using their Burst attacks wisely.

Question: What is the future of Pokkén Tournament DX?
Answer: The future of Pokkén Tournament DX is uncertain. Bandai Namco has not announced any plans for future updates or DLC, but the game still has a small but dedicated player base.


Here are some tips for playing Pokkén Tournament DX:

These are just a few tips to help you get started with Pokkén Tournament DX. With practice and dedication, you can become a skilled player and climb the ranks.


Here are some tips to help you improve your skills in Pokkén Tournament DX:

Learn your character’s combos. Every character in Pokkén Tournament DX has a variety of combos that can be used to deal damage and build meter. It is important to learn your character’s combos so that you can use them effectively in battle.

Practice your timing. Timing is key in Pokkén Tournament DX. You need to be able to time your attacks and blocks correctly in order to succeed. Practice your timing in training mode so that you can become more consistent in battle.

Study your opponents. It is important to study your opponents’ playstyles and strategies. This will help you to predict their moves and counter them effectively. Pay attention to your opponents’ habits and tendencies, and use this information to your advantage.

Use your Burst attacks wisely. Burst attacks are powerful moves that can be used to turn the tide of battle. However, they can only be used once per round. It is important to use your Burst attacks wisely so that you can get the most benefit from them.

These are just a few tips to help you improve your skills in Pokkén Tournament DX. With practice and dedication, you can become a skilled player and climb the ranks.


The Pokkén Tournament DX tier list is a ranking of the game’s characters based on their overall strength and viability in competitive play. The S tier characters are the best in the game, and are considered to be the most powerful and versatile. The A tier characters are also very strong, but have some minor weaknesses or matchups that can be exploited. The B tier characters are solid all-rounders, and can be used to compete effectively against most of the cast. The C tier characters are somewhat weaker than the top tiers, but can still be used to win matches if played skillfully. The D tier characters are the weakest in the game, and are generally not recommended for competitive play.

When choosing a character to play, it is important to consider your own playstyle and preferences. If you prefer to play aggressively, then you may want to choose a character with strong rushdown abilities. If you prefer to play defensively, then you may want to choose a character with strong zoning abilities. Ultimately, the best character for you is the one that you are most comfortable playing with.

Pokkén Tournament DX is a deep and complex game with a lot of different strategies and playstyles. It is important to experiment with different characters and find the one that best suits you. With practice and dedication, you can become a skilled player and climb the ranks.

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